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Something Old, Something New

January is here! Have you made your new year's resolutions? Some people believe in them, some people don't. I'm one who believes! My father taught me to write my resolutions, be specific, and hang it somewhere that I would see everyday. He said that even though I may not be consciously working towards it every day, my subconscious would be working toward it......and it worked! Many times, I read my resolution at the end of the year and was surprised to discover that I had accomplished many of my goals!

This year, I'm letting go of something old - something that did not enrich me, build me up, nor make me a better person - and grabbing hold of something new - something to broaden my horizons, make me think, or challenge me. We all have bad habits, are around negative people, or find ourselves in depressing situations and find it hard to let go. Promise yourself that you're going to find the peace, strength, money, or opportunity to let that something old go, and move toward your something new! Your something new may be your soul mate, a healthier lifestyle, a new hobby or a career that's more in tune to you.

If you're newly engaged, you may be experiencing a lot of "new" things: new mate, new extended family, new traditions, new expectations, or new plans for the future together. You're joining two people, two homes, two families and two bank accounts! At times, change can create anxiety and stress, but if you talk openly and honestly with your new mate, you can reduce or eliminate any uncomfortable feelings or fears and happily embrace the newness! Take time to schedule those important talks about income, savings, investments and insurance when both of you are rested, fed and uninterrupted. Learn why engaged couples need to learn more about life insurance here.

As a couple, you each have your own personalities, likes and dislikes, and that's all fine and good. It's nice to share what we like to do with our partners. You should also consider discovering something new together, and cultivating a new "like" that you discover together. You could try new ways to expand your spirituality, start a new exercise routine, check out new recipes or plan new adventures to experience.

A fun way to visualize what you want for the future is to create a Vision Board. A Vision Board is a sacred space that displays what you want and bring it to life. What we focus on expands. When you create a Vision Board and place it in a space where you see it often, you essentially end up doing short visualization exercises throughout the day. Visualization is one of the most powerful mind exercises you can do.

According to the popular book The Secret, “The law of attraction is forming your entire life experience and it is doing that through your thoughts. When you are visualizing, you are emitting a powerful frequency out into the Universe. So, what’s the big secret to creating a Vision Board that works? It’s simple: Your Vision Board should focus on how you want to feel, not just on things that you want. As a couple, you could create a Vision Board for your new life together, or a Vision Board for how you want your wedding to be. Either way, you get to learn a little more about each other and document what you want in a creative, colorful way! Go to and register for the next Wedding Vision Board class on our events page, run by Hemali Vora, Certified Holistic & Nutrition Coach.

Enough decided what your something old and something new is! Then go for it!

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